I hope you had a joyous Christmas with your loved ones. Ours was a simultaneously splendid and sad one… My childhood home, which my family moved into 36 years ago, has been sold, so this was my family’s last time visiting what I have always considered my “happiest place on Earth” (yes, happier than Disney World!).
While the house’s sale is an enormous answer to prayer, saying goodbye to it has been bittersweet…heavy on the bitter, at the moment! My husband and I took copious amounts of photos and videos while we were there so we can one day show our two youngest children their Christmas adventures at Baba’s house (Baba is my kids’ nickname for my mom). One of my goals as a parent is to create and maintain a home for my kids that they’ll always love and cherish as much as I love and cherish mine. First step: pack the house with L-O-V-E!
“Home is the nicest word there is.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder
After a week away, we are winding down 2024 by purging and reorganizing pretty much everything in our house, starting with the out-of-control plethora of kids’ toys, games, arts and crafts supplies, old clothes, outdoor equipment, and all the random who-knows-what-it-is odds and ends found in between. It’s a daunting, seemingly endless job, but I can already taste the satisfaction of completion, and man is it sweet!
Alrighty, time to get going with the last Top 4 of 2024!
HEALTHY HABITS FOR 2025 (via Instagram)
“Decide the type of person you want to be. Prove it to yourself with small wins.” – James Clear
“Sometimes wellness looks like not adding in yet another healing practice, but staying consistent with the simple things:
Slow walks
A good cleansing cry
JOMO (joy of missing out)
Foods that love you back
Showing yourself some grace
Taking in nature with all your senses
HABITS TO ABANDON IN 2025 (via @DrJoshAxe)
Snacking (opt for intermittent fasting)
Uber Eats (opt for meal prepping)
Energy drinks (opt for matcha green tea)
Scrolling before bed (opt for a book)
Going to bed at midnight (opt for getting to bed by 9 p.m.)
Multitasking while eating (opt for eating slowly)
Seeking God on Sundays (opt for seeking Him daily)
Thank you as always for your support of my writing!
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