Hello, my friend!
I hope you’re having a wonderful week thus far. In this week’s Top 4, I’m sharing two notable quotes, a YouTube recommendation, and two fall funnies that were too cute not to share! All in all, it’s a very random assortment – hope you enjoy!
Some Things Never Change
I’m currently reading book #5 in the Anne of Green Gables series, titled Anne’s House of Dreams. The following quote stood out to me because, even though it was written over 100 years ago, it might have well have been penned this morning! Have a look:
“Indeed, there’s too much money going out of this Island to that same Eaton’s,” said Mrs. Lynde indignantly. She had strong views on the subject of octopus-like department stores, and never lost an opportunity of airing them. “And as for those catalogues of theirs, they’re the Avonlea girls’ Bible now, now that’s what. They pore over them on Sundays instead of studying the Holy Scriptures.’
“‘Well, they’re splendid to amuse children with,’ said Diana. ‘Fred and Small Anne look at the pictures by the hour.’
“‘I amused ten children without the aid of Eaton’s catalogue,’ said Mrs. Rachel severely.”
I mean just replace the word “catalogue” with “iPhone” and you’ve got a modern-day conversation taking place! As Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “there is nothing new under the sun”!
Lies, Myths, & Misconceptions in Christian Parenting
This podcast/YouTube episode is excellent. Here’s the summary:
“When we’re thinking multigenerational and God’s greater story, then you are thinking you are a part of something so much bigger than us. We need to steward our time here well. The best place you can be is home with your kids teaching them and showing them the love of Christ.
“A lie people believe is that they put ambition against the home. They say if you are an ambitious person then it is going to be very hard to invest in your home. This is not true. If you want something accomplished on a big-vision scale, give it to a big-vision person. We know many godly men who have accomplished a lot and are very successful, but their first focus was their kids at home.
“Discipleship and multi-generational faithfulness begin at home. In this Information Age, it is so critical to filter cultural messages through the lens of biblical truth. We can do this by knowing the truth, because recognizing what’s not truth is impossible without knowing what is truth. Spending time in God’s Word and absorbing His truth by the power of His Spirit enables us to identify the world’s lies, about parenting and so much more!”
Check it out on YouTube HERE!
Fall Funnies
I saw these on Pinterest recently and had to share:
The Fullness of Life
Literature lover that I am, I have several documents on my laptop that contains vocabulary words and favorite passages from the books I’ve read. I was looking over one such document the other day and stumbled upon this quote from Edith Hamilton’s classic work, The Greek Way: