The Usefulness of UN-Learning, A Mood-Saving Mindset Shift, & MORE!

Hello, my friend!

I hope you’ve had a wonderful week!

We are truly enjoying our new homeschool rhythm over here. This week, we attended our first “community day” in which my five-year-old and one-year-old both enjoyed learning, playing – and even presenting! –  alongside other kiddos, ages 20 months to eight years.

My son Isaiah chose to present (just a 3-5-minute presentation to no more than 15 people, but nonetheless, I think TED Talks should consider calling him, ha!) on his model Blue Angel toy. He did tell everyone that he likes bulldozers best of all, so perhaps that will be next week’s presentation topic. Only problem, however, is he wants to present a real bulldozer, which he’s requesting be his Christmas present, lol…

Speaking of learning, I’m kicking off this week’s Top 4 with a quote all about the opposite: unlearning! I hope you enjoy this week’s selection of what I hope are brain-and/or-soul-stimulating tidbits!

“Most people don’t want accurate information. They want validating information. Growth requires you to be open to unlearning ideas that previously served you.” – James Clear

“Instead of feeling that you’ve blown the day and thinking, ‘I’ll get back on track tomorrow,’ try thinking of each day as a set of four quarters: morning, midday, afternoon, evening. If you blow one quarter, you get back on track for the next quarter. Fail small, not big.” – Gretchen Rubin

“If you are not distressed at this moment, praise God for your current situation, and then pray for someone who is distressed.” – Author Unknown


If you’re a mom, I encourage you to check our Part III of my latest podcast series! You can find it HERE!

Thank you as always for your support of my writing!

Where I Go Night-Night (children’s picture book)
NEW!: The God Next Door (comedic fantasy)
Medusa’s Wish (fantasy)
Moonbow: Prequel to The Petros Chronicles (fantasy)
Age of the Ashers (fantasy)
War of the Ashers (fantasy)
Fate of the Ashers (fantasy)
The Petros Chronicles Boxset
Armor for Orchids (Christian Women’s Contemporary)
Orchid Unshaken (Christian Women’s Contemporary)
Orchid Unbound (Christian Women’s Contemporary)
Orchid Unfading (Christian Women’s Contemporary)

Fit for Faith: A Christian Woman’s Guide to Total Fitness
Perfect Fit Couples Edition: Workouts and Reflections for a Rock-Solid Relationship
Perfect Fit: Weekly Wisdom and Workouts for Women of Faith and Fitness
Perfect Fit No Excuses: 15-Minute Workouts for Life’s Busiest Days
Immeasurable Fitness Challenge: 18 Days of Total Health for Spirit, Soul, and Body
Immeasurable: Diving in the Depths of God’s Love (a memoir)

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