Hello, my friend!
I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far! My son and I just finished up a productive homeschool session, followed by a run to the pet store where, somehow, an impressively realistic toy iguana was thrown into the basket of dog treats and gecko food. I currently hear my son playing with said reptile (the fake one, not the pet…I hope…) in the living room, namely waving him through the hair and exclaiming to our babysitter, “See how high this iguana can jump!!” On the way home, we listened to a few YouTube videos on Iguanas and learned some interesting facts, like:
They have what’s known as a “third eye” (really just a scale) on the top of their head that helps them sense light and movement.
They can stay underwater for 28 minutes!
One species of iguana, the black spiny-tailed iguana, can run 21 miles per hour!
They can inflate their bodies up to half their normal size. They can also flatten their bodies to maximize heat absorption from the sun.
They can break off their tails to escape predators, and if the iguana is young and healthy, the tail can regrow!
And there you have it. One of the many reasons having kids is awesome is you get to learn new, pretty rad things every single day!
Alrighty, time for this week’s Top 4. I hope you enjoy them!
“Writing is the superpower of humankind. It is our truest form of magic. Writing allows you to conjure up something of value where nothing previously existed. It costs little for you to write down the lessons of your life and yet those few minutes spent writing can be life-altering for the right reader. As I once saw it put: ‘there is someone out there with a wound in the exact shape of your words.’” – James Clear
“I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow – when there’s that moment of, ‘Wow, I’m really not sure I can do this,’ and you push through.” – Marissa Mayer, early employee at Google and later CEO of Yahoo
“You weren’t designed to run on urgency. Slow down, breathe, recalibrate.”
I recently finished a terrific short novel, A LONG WALK TO WATER, which is based on true events involving the Sudanese Lost Boys of the 1980s. I love this quote from the man the book is based on, Salva Dut:
“Stay calm when things are hard or not going right with you. You will get through it when you persevere instead of quitting. Quitting leads to much less happiness in life than perseverance and hope.”
I give the book a resounding 10 out of 10. Check it out HERE.
On my latest episode of The Inadequate Mom Show, I discuss what I (along with many childbirth experts) believe is the root cause of many women’s painful, often agonizing, birth experiences and how mamas can take charge of their motherhood by revisiting and becoming educated about God’s design and intent for the oh so marvelous event that is natural, fearless labor and delivery. Tune in HERE!