Reflecting on Your Faith & Fitness ... September 14, 2015August 9, 2018 Diana Tyler This past weekend, I had the honor of being one of four speakers at my church’s women’s retreat at a ... READ MORE
The H.O.N.O.R. System: 5 Keys to Pr... September 3, 2015August 9, 2018 Diana Tyler I conducted a survey earlier this year. My aim was to find out what, among women (Christian women, more ... READ MORE
"All for the Glory of God": Discipl... August 29, 2015August 9, 2018 Diana Tyler “Discipline” is defined as “activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training”[1] ... READ MORE
Why Fitness Talk Belongs in Church August 21, 2015August 9, 2018 Diana Tyler Next month, I will have the honor of being one of four speakers at my church’s annual Women’s Retreat, and I ... READ MORE
My Top Pre and Post-Workout Habits August 10, 2015August 9, 2018 Diana Tyler I was recently approached by Petro with ETB Fit about writing a blog that covers a few of my fitness habits, such ... READ MORE