Productivity Tips, a Mighty Metaphor, Stress-Free Play Dates, & More!

Hello, my friend!

I hope you’re doing great and staying cool! My family and I had a fantastic time last weekend at a waterpark resort in our old stomping grounds of San Antonio. Our two favorite activities were the lazy river (it has the word “lazy” in it, so duh – of course it’s a favorite!) and the manmade (man/woman-made, am I right :-P) beach where some genius combined the safety and sanitization of a shallow swimming pool with the kid-captivating allure of oodles of sand and beach toys. Oh, and waiters and waitresses were floating around the entire waterpark, taking orders, so we could eat and drink poolside. It was a dream!

This weekend, we’ll be traveling to my husband’s hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska to visit family, and after a few days back home, we’re off again to a homeschool convention outside of Austin. So yeah… Busy few weeks ahead, but I’m looking forward to every moment they contain! What have you most enjoyed about the summer so far?

I hope you enjoy this week’s Top 4!


“One of life’s counterintuitive lessons is that you will often gain energy by spending a little bit of energy. When you feel lethargic and like you want to lay around all day, it is usually the case that getting up and moving will make you feel better than simply sitting around. Getting outside for 10 minutes or doing the first set of a workout or simply stretching on the floor for a moment – anything to get your body moving – will often leave you feeling more energized. If you want to get your day going, then get your body going. It’s harder for the mind to be sluggish when the body is moving.” – James Clear

When my “morning” (such a misnomer, as most women’s pregnancy-related nausea is an all-day struggle!) sickness kicked in at about five weeks pregnant, I forced myself out of bed a little after six to get my workout done first thing. My primary reason for doing this was because the later in the day it got, the more the nausea and fatigue would intensify, so crossing “work out” off my to-do list before sunup was a surefire way to not only keep my physical fitness in check, but to wake up my entire being for the day!

I’ve been going strong ever since with the early-morning workouts and don’t intend to stop. And when I hit a slump during the day, going outside with the kids and dogs for a while works wonders to replenish my energy stores.


I absolutely love this from Anne’s House of Dreams by L.M. Montgomery:

“I have a little brown cocoon of an idea that may possible expand into a magnificent moth of fulfillment.”

What was the latest “little brown cocoon of an idea” that’s attached itself to you? Have you followed up with it?


It always makes my day to be tagged in Stories/Posts from satisfied readers of my stories! If you’re interested in my latest novel, The God Next Door, click HERE! It’s available in digital and paperback formats.


This one’s for the moms! In this week’s episode, I follow up on last week’s “The Power of Play Dates” by sharing six play-date mistakes I made in the past, plus easy-to-implement solutions that have made a world of difference. Please share with the mamas in your life!

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