Fit Fact: A 2002 study showed that the body’s oxygen consumption rate stayed elevated for at least 36 hours after an intense, whole-body resistance workout that included power-cleans, squats, and bench press (Chicago Tribune, Feb. 1, 2012).
My CrossFit workout yesterday was a 14-minute AMRAP (“as many rounds as possible”), programmed by my wonderful husband, that consisted of front squats, toes-to-bar, and push-ups. Please watch the following demo videos if you’re unfamiliar with front squats and toes-to-bar, or if you just need a reminder on how to do them properly!
Front Squats:
The WOD (workout of the day) is as follows:
In 14 minutes (got your timer ready?), perform the following as many times as you can:
- 3 heavy front squats (for me, this was 75 pounds)
- 10 toes-to-bar
- 10 push-ups
Remember to modify as needed! For instance, if you can’t quite do toes-to-bar yet, substitute hanging knee raises or knees-to-elbows instead. Push-ups can be done on knees or at an incline if standard push-ups are too challenging.
Stay fit, stay faithful ~<3 Di