Life Advice from Loved Ones

In two short months, my son Isaiah will be turning three. To distract myself from the incomprehensibility of that fact, I’ve constructed a little birthday-present project, namely a Book of Life Advice from our closest friends and family.

As I was compiling numerous text messages and emails into one cohesive Word document, I felt compelled to share a few quotes that I’m sure you will find inspiring as we tread into the unknown depths of 2022.[1]

Without further ado, and in no particular order, here are eight golden nuggets of pure and timeless wisdom!:

“People will disappoint you. God never will.”

“Speak less. Listen more.”

“ … know that life is better when we quit caring about being the same as everyone else (with its peer pressure) and life is blessed when we share God’s love with everyone that He brings along. It’s about relationships and finding that God supernaturally equips us to overcome our selfish desires in order to care for others.”

“Respect what is precious to others…their feelings, their needs, their property, their hard work, their family, the hidden things of their heart.”

“Do not seek happiness, seek peace.

“Gain the humility to realize just how much you don’t know and cannot possibly ever know, and let that inspire you to keep learning.”

“When you talk about people, lift them up. Do not gossip, don’t say something you wouldn’t want them overhearing.”

“Honor not those who have great possessions, but respect those with few wants.”

I pray one of those resonated with you. Have a fantastic rest of your week, and may God prosper and bless your next 12 months!

[1] To honor the privacy of the contributors, I will not be including attributions.

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