Immerse Yourself in Life, the Purpose of Storms, Parenting Tips & MORE!

Hello, my friend!

I hope you’re doing great! I’m happy to report the rain has let up and it’s been bright and sunshiny so far this week. The rain was so relentless and oppressive last week that my husband and I decided to take the kids up to the zoo in San Antonio Saturday solely to escape the gloom…and booms! It was a truly delightful day. If you’re ever in San Antonio, I highly recommend you check out its fabulous zoo.

Speaking of rain –how’s this for a segue, eh? – I’m kicking off this week’s Top 4 with a powerful reminder on the purpose of life’s struggles:



“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”

– Haruki Murakami


“Laziness kills ambition.
Anger kills wisdom.
Fear kills dreams.
Ego kills growth.
Jealousy kills peace.
Doubt kills confidence.
Now, read those right to left.”

-Source Unknown


“What makes life worth living? No child asks itself that question. To children life is self-evident. Life goes without saying: whether it is good or bad makes no difference. This is because children don’t see the world, don’t observe the world, don’t contemplate the world, but are so deeply immersed in the world that they don’t distinguish between it and their own selves.”

– Karl Ove Knausgard


In this podcast episode, I share my favorite (or rather, my son’s favorite…) activities for plane trips! The best part is, none of them require screens! Listen HERE.



Thank you as always for your support of my writing!


Where I Go Night-Night (children’s picture book)
NEW!: The God Next Door (comedic fantasy)
Medusa’s Wish (fantasy)
Moonbow: Prequel to The Petros Chronicles (fantasy)
Age of the Ashers (fantasy)
War of the Ashers (fantasy)
Fate of the Ashers (fantasy)
The Petros Chronicles Boxset
Armor for Orchids (Christian Women’s Contemporary)
Orchid Unshaken (Christian Women’s Contemporary)
Orchid Unbound (Christian Women’s Contemporary)
Orchid Unfading (Christian Women’s Contemporary)

Fit for Faith: A Christian Woman’s Guide to Total Fitness
Perfect Fit Couples Edition: Workouts and Reflections for a Rock-Solid Relationship
Perfect Fit: Weekly Wisdom and Workouts for Women of Faith and Fitness
Perfect Fit No Excuses: 15-Minute Workouts for Life’s Busiest Days
Immeasurable Fitness Challenge: 18 Days of Total Health for Spirit, Soul, and Body
Immeasurable: Diving in the Depths of God’s Love (a memoir)
Pour Me Out: 30 Days to a More Selfless Life

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