Seven years ago, I was a highschool junior with a hot soccer player boyfriend, great friends despite being at a new, gigantic public school where I knew six people (no exaggeration), and a wonderful family. I was a tennis player, and my coach suggested I lift weights to strengthen my tennis serve and one-handed backhand. But I don’t wanna get bulky! I decided to give it a go anyway.
My first week in the gym must have looked something like Kate Gosselin’s first week on “Dancing with the Stars”- I had a cute outfit, but my moves were way off. In my case, however, having a professional alongside made all the difference. Enter Michael Prince.
Michael, owner of 360 Fitness in Tyler, Texas, was my knight in Shining Under Armour. He taught me that there’s actually a method to working out, which turns out to work substantially better than moseying up to a random, shiny piece of machinery and pushing or pulling (who knew?). He taught me that it’s impossible for women to look like Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson – unless, of course, they’re altering their appearances chemically. Gross. And most importantly to me, Michael brought the critical connection between nutrition and exercise into crystal clear focus.
A few months after I started training and eating right, I had…wait for it…muscle tone! I didn’t lose weight, but my clothes fit better! I wasn’t working out or playing tennis any less, but I still gained more energy! It was incredible, and I soon realized I’d landed a hobby that would last me far beyond my highschool tennis and volleyball years. Working out is a lifestyle.
The following year, what I had come to love became something which nearly destroyed me. Remember the hot boyfriend I mentioned earlier? Yeah, well, he dumped me Joe Jonas-style over the phone one night. But rather than Taylor Swift-it and write a song and move on, I let the heartache eat away at me rather literally. But that’s enough for now. Apparently blogs are supposed to be conscise so as not to lose your attention! Maybe I should start incorporating more abbreviations. TTYL!
Stay fit, stay faithful, ~<3 Di