“Don’t Stop Thinkin’ About Tomorrow,” Comparison is Poison, & More!

Hello, my friend!

I hope you’re having a wonderful week! I’m currently multitasking by penning this week’s email in between sets of my upper body workout.

Most days, I get my workout in first thing in the morning before the kids wake up, but on Tuesdays, we have a morning commitment, so I have to muster the motivation to fit my fitness in in the p.m., right about the time my body is wanting to wind down, not warm up! But as I’ve reminded all my fitness clients over the years, “there’s no such thing as a bad workout.” Indeed, even the ones where I feel I’m just going through the motions are beneficial. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing!

Alrighty, onward with this week’s Top 4. I hope you enjoy them!


“The heart attack at 50 began at 20.
The Alzheimer’s at 70 started at 40.
The loss of independence at 80 began at 30.
The aging you want tomorrow begins with the choices you make today.” – @extremehealthradio2 (on Instagram)

What healthy habits can you begin integrating into your daily routine today to set you up for a lifetime of physical and cognitive fitness? What are some unhealthy habits that need to be addressed?

“Comparison will either make you feel inferior or superior. Neither honors God.” – Craig Groeschel

When you find yourself comparing your appearance, kids, spouse, financial situation, etc. with someone else’s, stop yourself and start counting your blessings.

Remember that the enemy comes to “steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10) and one of the easiest ways he robs us of our joy is by capturing our thoughts and filling them with useless, albeit oh so toxic, comparisons. Once we identify the infernal source of our destructive thoughts, we can begin to replace them with prayers of thanksgiving for all God has done, and is doing, in our lives, starting with sending His Son to die for our sins!


I saw this recently online and just had to share. I love how art, be it visual, performing, or literary, can bring Scriptures to life in such a fantastically compelling, and creative, way.



This comes from the novel I just finished, The Silver Chair by the matchless C.S. Lewis. I have been absolutely loving revisiting The Chronicles of Narnia – highly recommend it! The Marsh-wiggle Puddleglum in The Silver Chair is one of my favorite characters in the series. And of course Reepicheep!

“Life isn’t all fricasseed frogs and eel pie.” – C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair


Thank you as always for your support of my writing!

Where I Go Night-Night (children’s picture book)
NEW!: The God Next Door (comedic fantasy)
Medusa’s Wish (fantasy)
Moonbow: Prequel to The Petros Chronicles (fantasy)
Age of the Ashers (fantasy)
War of the Ashers (fantasy)
Fate of the Ashers (fantasy)
The Petros Chronicles Boxset
Armor for Orchids (Christian Women’s Contemporary)
Orchid Unshaken (Christian Women’s Contemporary)
Orchid Unbound (Christian Women’s Contemporary)
Orchid Unfading (Christian Women’s Contemporary)

Fit for Faith: A Christian Woman’s Guide to Total Fitness
Perfect Fit Couples Edition: Workouts and Reflections for a Rock-Solid Relationship
Perfect Fit: Weekly Wisdom and Workouts for Women of Faith and Fitness
Perfect Fit No Excuses: 15-Minute Workouts for Life’s Busiest Days
Immeasurable Fitness Challenge: 18 Days of Total Health for Spirit, Soul, and Body
Immeasurable: Diving in the Depths of God’s Love (a memoir)

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