I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far! I haven’t announced it here yet, but I am just about 13 weeks pregnant, and the time is flying!! In only six more months, I’ll be typing these emails with baby #3 snoozing on my lap, as I did with my daughter just 16 months ago. Crazy! I’ve been feeling pretty exhausted, not going to lie, but I’m not complaining; I feel so blessed to be “with child,” that every symptom inspires me to praise God for His goodness.
It’s funny how, when I’m pregnant, I get the writing itch more often. And I get more ideas for all kinds of things, like graphic T-shirt designs, business ideas, TV show concepts, and other entrepreneurial endeavors that will most likely never leave the confines of my Notes app. I’ll keep you posted on whether any of the story ideas, at least, see the light of day!
Alrighty, time to dive into this week’s Top 4. I hope you enjoy them!
Oh, and for those of you who won my The God Next Door giveaway, I am still waiting on a few items to arrive for me to ship to you, but I plan on being able to get everything mailed next week! I appreciate your patience!
“You’re more likely to unlock a big leap in performance by trying differently than by trying harder. You might be able to work 10% harder, but a different approach might work 10x better. Remain focused on the core problem but explore a new line of attack. Persistence is not just about effort, but also strategy. Don’t merely try harder, try differently.” – James Clear
What’s a core problem you currently have that could use a new line of attack?
I describe my Christian novels as “Christian fiction without the fluff.” We probably all have a slightly different definition of fluff, but when I think of it in the context of Christian entertainment, i.e., movies, TV shows, literature, I think of flat, uninteresting, one-dimensional plots and characters with a severely underdeveloped treatment of the trials we as humans must endure while on this earth. It’s as if the “fluff” is meant to serve as a layer of insulation, protecting us from the “big, bad world out there.” And yet, it’s a “big, bad world” God wants us to be equipped not just to survive in, but to thrive in! So why not create Christian entertainment that helps equip by telling stories that are real, raw, relatable, full of grit and LOTS of grace?
Okay, stepping off my soapbox…
When it comes to Christian sermons, they can be fluffy as well. They can be easily identified by the following (I copied and pasted this to my Notes app from an article I read, but I don’t have the source!):
1. The preacher may use little Scripture, or none at all.
2. He takes Scripture out of context or improperly explains the biblical text.
3. He takes a single verse or short passage and then adds ideas or meaning into the passage that wasn’t originally intended.
4. He focuses on inspiration and emotionalism over substance: feelings over facts.
5. He speaks Christian word salad – saying a lot of Christian”y” sounding things, but you’re not exactly sure what you were supposed to have learned. Sometimes this is called the fallacy of ambiguity, deliberately being vague to avoid being held accountable for faulty doctrine.
6. There is absolutely nothing in the message that any good, sane, ethical, person would disagree with. If the general message (God/Jesus language aside) could equally be affirmed by secular humanists, you probably have a fluffy talk on your hands. Gentleness and respect are important (see 1 Peter 3:15), but we have to speak the truth, too, and sometimes the truth is hard.
7. There is reduced reverence for the Bible or claiming that some Christians “worship the Bible.” Sometimes they will try to separate Jesus and the Gospels from the rest of the New Testament as if the teachings from Paul are secondary to the Gospels. Or there’s a disconnect from the Old Testament. Remember, Jesus affirmed the Old Testament throughout His ministry. And 2 Tim. 3:16 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” Now, not every talk that uses little Scripture is wrong. For example, testimonies can be powerful and glorify God without using Scripture. Apologetics presentations sometimes use no Scripture but are very grounded in logic and reason with clarity and purpose. But make sure anyone who is using Scripture is handling it properly with reverence for God’s Word.
Have you ever been in a “fluffy” church service? I know I have! Thankfully, we now attend a fluff-free church, and it has been a tremendous blessing to my family.
I read this quote on Instagram and wanted to share:
“Recently, I learned about a term called a “glimmer,” which is the opposite of a trigger. Glimmers are any moments in your day that bring you joy, happiness, peace, gratitude, or love, making you feel good. The more you look out for them, the more you’ll notice, and the fewer triggers you’ll encounter. We tend to see what we actively seek.”
I challenge you to keep your eyes and heart open for glimmers today. Actively seek them, and be amazed how often you see them.
In this week’s podcast episode, I share my top tips for beginning a workout routine you can seriously stick to. Related to this, my fitness book for women, Perfect Fit: Weekly Wisdom and Workouts for Women of Faith and Fitness, is FREE on Amazon until Saturday! Snag your copy HERE!
Thank you as always for your support of my writing!